What is Bandwidth? The width measurement of a frequency range, measured in hertz, of a function or a frequency variable. The bandwidth specifies the difference [...]
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AMP: Quantitative unit of measurement of electrical current. It is the shortened term of the ampere, which is the SI unit used to express the amount of current [...]
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Ambient Temperature
Ambient temperature is usually the room temperature or the temperature of the air surrounding equipment under consideration such as a computer or power supply [...]
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Alternating Current or AC
AC: An electric current that continually reverses direction. The AC is the short form for Alternating Current, in which the electric charge reverses direction [...]
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Abnormal Failure
What is Abnormal Failure? Abnormal Failure is an artificially induced failure of a component, usually as a result of abnormal testing for regulatory agency [...]
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80 Plus
The 80 Plus is a voluntary certification where manufacturers send samples of their power supplies to an independent body for testing and certification. To be 80 [...]
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